Thursday, November 30, 2006


Our destination in Guadalajara was a place called Casa de Vida Nueva, or House of New Life. We had selected this particular "gimp-camp" (as the guys so affectionately referred to them) at random from the Paraplegia News (PN), the official publication of the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA). There were a half a dozen places in Guadalajara that regularly ran classified ads in the PN. They all tended to sound alike: 365 days of sunshine, skilled personal care attendants, American-style food, beautiful gardens, etc.
Earl had made the reservations reluctantly, since he had wanted to go to Hawaii. We had taken two previous trips together, both times to Las Vegas, but somehow I convinced Earl we should try Mexico. I just had to see for myself what Vinnie and some of the other guys from West Roxbury were so excited about. Little did I realize that I was about to enter into a special place in time. ...


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