Thursday, January 15, 2009


Author: Jack Tumidajski

How long have you been writing, and what influenced you to get into it?

First off, I tell people that I'm an author --- not a writer! Most people use these words interchangeably but I believe that anyone with a unique or interesting story to tell can, given the passion to put words to paper, become an author. In school, I was always good with numbers, not with words. Only the military can take an accounting major and turn him into an administrative specialist/would-be wordsmith. It was during my time in the Army that I was "drafted" into helping a few of my buddies put together a newsletter for our unit. It was then that my fascination with small publications was born.

A few years before I began writing my book I was a regular contributor to our local newspaper's "Letters to the editor" section. That was where and when I gained confidence in my ability to express myself and to tell my story.

How many books have you published?

QUADALAJARA - The Utopia That Once Was is the first and probably only book I'll ever write?

Have any of them been national releases, if so through which publisher?

Brundage Publishing ISBN: 1-892451-34-4

What current book/books are you promoting?

Since its release, promoting QUADALAJARA has been my only promotional job.

What projects do you have coming up in the future?

Nothing concrete, as far as new projects go, but I have received some national recognition which I intend to parlay in to other media.

What author/authors influenced you to start a writing career for yourself?

Love him or hate him, but I'd say unlikely authors such as Rush Limbaugh and his positive message about following your passion and believing in yourself.

My favorite author is David Horowitz.

Are you a member of a writing group/organization?

I presently belong to the Military Writers Society of America and the Arizona Authors Association.

What are some of your favorite hobbies other than writing?

I'm a former "Roto Geek", so I find fantasy baseball and football to be guilty pleasures. They're a temporary change-of-pace and they also allow me to go back to my love of numbers and statistics.

Spending as much "free" time as possible at San Diego's beaches during July and August.

Has "The Authors of Myspace"/or Myspace itself helped you out with sales or networking/friends?

I'm one of the many new Myspace folks who have benefited from making new friends and experienced the wonders of "networking". I hope to become more acquainted with "The Authors of Myspace". I believe it's a fantastic idea and, hopefully, a beneficial networking tool for those who participate.

What tips do you have for beginning writers?

(1) Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. (2) Remember: everything that is was once just a thought. (3) Anything that someone else has done, you can do also! (4) If you don't already know, writing your book will be the "easy" part. Once published, the "real" work begins --- PROMOTION, PROMOTION, PROMOTION! (5) If you're looking for fame and fortune, you should also know that roughly 5% of authors show a profit.

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